Selling my mother’s house was a very emotional and difficult time for me. Thanks to your hard work, support and understanding, you were able to sell the house in just 11 days, something that I did not think was possible.
Not only was the sale of the property quick, but you found buyers who truly loved the property for what it was and would appreciate it the way my mother did. Aside from this, you understood that I had a certain sale price in mind and that the figure was not negotiable.
You managed to accomplished a quick sale at the price I wanted to just the right individuals.
You truly went above and beyond to answer all of my questions, to ensure that the entire process went smoothly and kept me apprised of everything that was going on. At every step of the process, you kept in mind how difficult this transaction was for me and you always kept your heart involved even though this was a business transaction.
I cannot thank you enough.
Your company is very fortunate to have you on their team. I wish you nothing but great success as that is what you so truly deserve.
My sincerest thanks,
Sonia Gonzalez”
Sincere THANKS to Sonia Gonzalez for her kind words. Sergio Tejeda can be contacted at 786.252.4308 or you can email him here at serg@showcasemiami.com.